Monthly Archives: June 2010

No summer school blues

There may be a few crazy people in this world for whom “summer school” can actually be productive.

I am not one of these people.

As soon as the sun starts shining, the temperatures start rising and the water gets warm, schoolwork is the last thing on my mind.

With this knowledge, it was with a bit of hesitation that I signed up for study abroad.

Sure, I’d be spending my summer in Germany. But school is still school, no matter the continent.

Even still, I bit the bullet, packed my pencils and crossed the pond for a summer of school.

Immediately upon arriving, I realized that this wasn’t going to be any ordinary type of school.

Wine tasting with my professors? Check.

Cruises along the Spree in Berlin? Check.

Hiking in the Alps? Soon to be checked.

Field trip to Bonn to watch the World Cup in a bar.

Basically, this is a lot less “school” and a lot more fun. Best of all is that I’ve been learning more German throughout these past two weeks than I ever did in six whole years of structured classes.

Wandering for distraction, traveling for fulfillment.

Two weeks in Germany (almost) down, and I’ve noticed a few differences between America and Germany.

Of course, any amateur Sherlock Holmes would pick up on the contrast in language, landscape and lifestyle.

But me?

I pride myself on (beyond my great modesty) my sharp powers of observation.

Here is just a brief list of my discoveries:

  1. It is ever-so important to make the distinction between mineral water and tap water. The alternative is to learn to appreciate the taste of beer–it is almost always the cheapest beverage option.
  2. Always use the restroom before leaving the house. Public restrooms are either blocked off with a gate, requiring 50 cents to access, or are guarded by an sweet looking old lady, who courtesy also requires you pay 50 cents to.
  3. There will be somethings lost in translation. For example, when I was explaining to my host family that I like to cook, it came out as “I like cake.” We figured it out and had a good laugh. Still, it is always more appreciated to try and speak the other language than to submit to frustration.
  4. Finally, everything costs money. The bathrooms are just the beginning of it. The “complimentary” bread on the table? Don’t touch it, unless you are hungry for an extra charge. Down the non-mineral water before the food arrives? Be willing to dish out another couple Euro for another drink. Have a blog and want to update the world on your on-goings? The two Euro per hour at Dunkin Doughnut’s Internet cafe only goes so far.

The good news, however, is that I am settled into my host family’s house. That means free restrooms, unlimited water and, best of all, wireless Internet.

More updates to come, but here are a few pictures to whet your appetite:

Die Kolner Dom.

Marketplatz in Bonn.

Marketplatz in Bonn.


Die Berlin Holocaust Memorial.

Question: What do you find to be the most difficult part about traveling?

A taste of home

A funny thing happened: After a two hour delay, a nine hour flight and a few quick-rail connections, I had convinced myself that I was pretty far from home.

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto..." Yeah, I said it.

I heard a lot of German, saw a lot of unfamiliar buildings and felt a cool European breeze.

First view of Holzkirchen, my home for the next seven weeks.

Then I bit into lunch on my first day, and it was like I was right back home all over again! Corn cakes, in Germany? Not the first thing I think of, but tasty nonetheless.

In fact, every single meal here has been absolutely amazing. I haven’t had many options as far as meal choices, but I have enjoyed everything I’ve been served.

I’m glad to report that there is also much more to Germany than good eats.

Thanks to the dangerous combination of jet lag and adrenaline, I was unable to sleep. Rather than stay restless in my bed, I went out for a 5 a.m. run.

The temperature was perfect, the breeze was cool and the hills were just challenging enough.

After returning to my hotel, I was able to get a little bit of rest before eating the best breakfast ever.

The remaineder of the day offered no rest for the weary, as my group was shuttled through orientation, my corny lunch, a village-wide scavenger hunt and then dinner.

Finally back at the hotel, I crashed onto my bed like a tree in the forest. Wanting to adjust a little to my new timezone, I made myself stay up a bit longer.

Tomorrow I take off for a whirlwind eight day tour of Germany with my group.


*Disclaimer: I apologize for any incoherencies in my writing these next few weeks. Aforementioned sleep deprivation has strange, uncontrollable effects…

Hallo, von Deutschland!

After a two hour delay, a little jog to my international flight and eight hours of my poor rowmate suffering from food poisoning, I made it to Germany!

Throughout my life, I’ve traveled to the majority of states in good ol’ America. But, aside from a few jumps over to Canada, I’ve never been to another country. My travels through the states have kept the light of desire to explore burning fervent; there simply has never been the right time and right place to travel abroad before.

In addition to food and health, one of my other major passions is history (ask me anything about the presidents, I dare you!). With an Austrian heritage, I figured the best way I would be able to experience my own family’s history would be by immersing myself in it.

Enter studying German. I began taking German in eighth grade and continued through my junior year of high school, picking it back up in college.

Even with a good amount of knowledge of what I’m getting myself into, these first few hours have passed by as if in a dream. I feel myself walking the streets, but I hardly comprehend that I’m not looking through the screen of a TV… I’m actually here!

For the next seven weeks, this blog will take a slightly different course. Naturally, I will still attempt to live healthfully while I’m here. In doing so, I know I’ll be met with challenges, but also with new opportunities.

The blog will also feature a lot more details about travel. It’s OK, you can live vicariously through me!

Auf Weidersehen!

A final taste of America

Tomorrow is my last day in the good ol’ States before heading to Germany to study abroad for the remainder of the summer. I am have my bags (almost) packed, my language skills (mostly) sharpened and my wallet (partly) filled with Euros. Sounds like I’m good to go, right?

I feel ready to handle a few weeks of life abroad. I can do without the American sitcoms, the Midwestern humidity and the constant barrage of tabloid “celbutant” coverage.

However, the one thing (in addition to friends and family, obviously) that I’m really going to miss is the ability to bake/cook.

I want to go out with a cooking bang, but I am truly stumped on what to make.

Question: What should Emily Lou bake/cook? Suggestions? Challenges?